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      Industry information

      Building a globally influential international science and technology innovation center

      Building a globally influential international science and technology innovation center...

      Innovation is the first driving force for development. To implement the innovation-driven development strategy, we must firmly grasp the "bovine nose" of technological innovation. The planning outline proposes to build Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Dawan District into a “global international innovation cent...

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      Smart City Drive Smart Traffic overall solution is perfect

      Smart City Drive Smart Traffic overall solution is perfect

      With the vigorous promotion of smart city construction, smart traffic, smart medical care, smart security, smart energy, etc. are all vigorously concerned. Urban construction, traffic first, and intelligent transportation have become important driving forces for economic development. They have also become more integ...

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      Household appliances tend to be intelligent young people is the main consumer

      Household appliances tend to be intelligent young people is the main consumer

      In most people‘s minds, intelligence stands for convenience, speed, simplicity, and technological power. Morning stretch, the default kitchen work well, ready for breakfast; go out, all appliances, lamps and other electrical appliances all automatically shut down into power-saving state, all automatic locking doors ...

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      2017 Intelligent Manufacturing World Tour Japan articles

      2017 Intelligent Manufacturing World Tour Japan articles

      With the new round of scientific and technological revolution and the rise of industrial revolution, intelligent manufacturing is becoming an important direction for manufacturing changes in the world and the commanding height of competition. Major manufacturing countries have introduced relevant strategies and polic...

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